
Hans Börner and Stefan Hecht (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin) organized the 2nd ERC-Grantees Conference on „Frontiers in Chemistry - The Basis for Advanced Materials“

It is our great pleasure to invite you the 2nd European meeting of ERC grantees in chemistry to be held in Berlin on August 28 & 29, 2014. The meeting Frontiers of Chemistry continues a tradition started in Strasbourg two years ago.
The aim of the conference is to gather some of the leading European experts in the field of chemical materials research, showcase their latest achievements, and discuss about future trends. For this purpose, we have invited around 20 ERC laureates (starting, consolidating, and advanced grants) active in the field of chemistry of materials. Among them, there will be two plenary lectures delivered by Prof. Klaus Müllen and Prof. Markus Antonietti, both leading figures of materials chemists of their generations. Importantly, the meeting aims at providing a platform for young researchers to learn first hand about the ERC granting schemes and it will provide a great opportunity to network and foster future collaborations within the European research landscape.