Prof. Dr. habil. Hans Börner
Phone: |
+49 (0)30 2093-7348 |
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+49 (0)30 2093-7500 |
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Laboratory for Organic Synthesis of Functional Systems
Department of Chemistry
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Brook-Taylor-Str. 2
12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 2093-7349
Fax: +49 (0)30 2093-7215
Room: 0'144
office.functional-systems hu-berlin.de
Welcome to BörnerLab
Research Overview
- Synthesis and design of functional hybrid polymers (bioconjugates)
- Bio-mimetic formation of structure and function in synthetic polymers (peptide-guided organization and structure based functions)
- Pseudopeptides and precision polymers for biomedical applications (integrated polymer systems for gene or drug delivery)
- Bio-functionalization of surfaces (bioactive polymer fibers, scaffolds and material interfaces; Bio-inspired adhesion segments in block copolymers, (bio)-functional coatings, crystal growth modifiers)
Objectives: Controlling interactions in synthetic polymers as precisely as in proteins would have a strong impact on polymer science. Advanced structural and functional control can lead to rational design of, integrated nano- and microstructures. To achieve this, properties of oligopeptides were exploited. By incorporating these as monodisperse segments into synthetic polymers we show how to program structure formation in polymers, control inorganic-organic interfaces in fiber composites, induce structure in biomacromolecules for biomedical applications and generate bioactive surfaces to control biological systems.
15.01.2025 - Electrosynthesis of mussel-inspired adhesive polymers as a novel class of transient enzyme stabilizers
New paper published in Angewandte Chemie by the electraDetouch team.
The electrochemical oxidation of multifunctional catechols represents a “green” and clean alternative pathway to ortho-quinones, which are used to form oligomer networks with branched multi-thiols. In these networks, the catechols are restored and represent adhesive points, which can establish transient interactions with enzymes. These oligomer/enzyme-conjugates are shielding the enzymes from heat stress, thus preventing denaturation. (https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202419684)
06.01.2025 - Toward Personalized Stationary Chromatography Phases: Equipping Commercial Silica Phases with Selected Peptide-Based Binding Domains to Tailor Affinity
The last paper of Steffen Busche was released in Advanced Materials Interfaces.
The 7-mer peptide motifs QFFLFFQ, QFFEFFQ and QFQQSFF, known as good, medium and poor binders for the photosensitizers m-THPC and Chlorin E6 are covalently immobilized on commercial amino-functionalized silica particles by inverse electron-demand Diels-Alder ligation. After proof of compound binding by UV/Vis batch experiments, professionally packed HPLC columns show compound specific separation performance with clear differences in retention times.
27.07.2024 - Redox-Triggered Debonding of Mussel-Inspired Pressure Sensitive Adhesives: Improving Efficiency Through Functional Design
New paper released in Angewandte Chemie.
Biomimetic mussel-inspired polymers based on thiol-catechol-connectivities are promising candidates for adhesives in a circular economy. However, the amount of simplification of the chemical structure can have an impact on the function of the polymer. Here, debonding by oxidation of TCC-catechols is demonstrated, comparing a fully synthetic monomer with a DOPA-based dipeptide. The dipeptide enhanced the debonding efficiency, combining smart design and natural feedstock – two critical aspects of circularity.
Full article link:
29.03.2024 - Enhancing Adhesion Properties of Commodity Polymers through Thiol-Catechol Connectivities: A Case Study on Polymerizing Polystyrene-Telechelics via Thiol-Quinone Michael-Polyaddition
New paper released in ACS Macro Letters.
Background: By incorporating only 3 mol% of thiol-catechol connectivities (TCCs) as functional adhesive groups into large polystyrene block copolymers could increase adhesive strength by up to 600% while keeping the integrity of the polymer segments.
Full article link:
13.12.2023 - Organic transformation of lignin into mussel-inspired glues: next-generation 2K adhesive for setting corals under saltwater
New Paper released in Green Chemistry.
Background: The activation of lignin crosslinked with multi-thiol via thiol-catechol-connectivity (TCC) has led to the development of mussel-inspired and high-performing 2K adhesives that are ideal for setting corals in saltwater environments.
Full article link: https://doi.org/10.1039/D3GC03680D
17.11.2023 - Dissertation Award Berlin 2022 for Dr. Jana Krüger
Congratulations to our alumna Dr. Jana Krüger!
Background: The Dissertation Award Berlin, valued at 5000 €, is given out by Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin. Laureate of the 2022 award is Dr. Jana Krüger of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She is being honored for her dissertation titled " Muschelinspirierte Polymerisation: Über die vollsynthetische Variante der enzymaktivierten Herstellung universeller Haftstoffe", written in the Börner-Group, which led to a new chemical platform for underwater adhesives.
Follow the link for the german version.
09.11.2023 - Ligating Catalytically Active Peptides onto Microporous Polymers: A General Route Toward Specifically-Functional High Surface Area Platforms
New Paper released in ChemSusChem.
Background: The bio-orthogonal tetrazine-norbornene ligation via an inverse electron-demand Diels-Alder reaction offers a generic route to the post-synthetic modification of microporous polymers. Equipping the porous scaffolds with norbornene derivatives enables click-like ligation to introduce functional tetrazines, including a peptide-based organocatalyst. This demonstrates the accessibility of the catalytic sites in the porous materials by achieving high activity and selectivity in an enamine catalysis.
Full article link: https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202301045
27.10.2023 - Two talk-prizes for our postdoc Dr. Tilmann Neubert
Congratulations to our postdoc Dr. Tilmann Neubert!
Tilmann was awarded with talk prizes at two conferences, the “2023 SALSA Make & Measure: Interfaces” (1st of 3 prizes, voted by the audience) and the "Sorrento 2013 – Sorrento 2023: A Decade of Peptide Materials” (best contributed oral presentation, awarded by the organizers).

Photos by Daniel Pasche (left) and Hans Börner (right)
01.09.2023 - Statistical Copolymers that Mimic Aspects of Mussel Adhesive Proteins: Access to Robust Adhesive-Domains for Non-Covalent Surface PEGylation
New Paper released in Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
Background: The robust anchoring of mussels to various substrates inspired the synthesis of a set of PEG- block-copolymers. Relevant side-chain functionalities of Dopa, Lys, and Arg residues found in mussel foot proteins are mimicked by functional acrylates to compose π-cation motifs. PEG- b-copolymers are synthesized by controlled radical polymerization. Waterborne coatings, show clear optima in stability and antifouling properties, preventing A549 cell adhesion.
Full article link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/marc.202300300
07.08.2023 - Peptide-based Organocatalyst on Stage: Functionalizing Mesoporous Silica by Tetrazine-Norbornene Ligation
New Paper released in ChemCatChem
Background: Tetrazine-Norbornene ligation through inverse electron-demand Diels-Alder reaction has been employed as a novel strategy to immobilize a peptide-based catalyst onto different mesoporous silica supports. Functionalized silica monoliths as well as silica particles in packed bed reactors have been applied in the enantioselective flow catalysis of the addition reaction between ß-nitrostyrene and n-butanal.
Full article link: https://doi.org/10.1002/cctc.202300778
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